Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Pokemon black and white criminals and shiny Pokemon cheats for your DS

Pokemon black and white criminals and shiny Pokemon cheats for your DS

Pokemon black and white version is the latest Pokémon games of the year. It is the fifth-generation version of the Pokémon species. The game is in the area of Unova, where a professor there in the game is Professor Juniper, who teaches in women. Your Starter Pokémon to choose from are snivy, tepig and oshawott. Well just a starter for me is snivy but the first and second generation Pokémon starters are the best.

Well I liked the region setting of the cool new men and women. Look here heroes much mature than previous versions. But then I hate hors d'oeuvres. Therefore, I thought that I want to change the settings in the game Pokémon starter. That is the reason why in my rom black ds Pokemon I downloaded a cheat for my latest firmware wood dstt. Cheat enables you to change what starter I pick. So I went into my fake card in my firmware and select a totodile and chikorita, cyndaquil starters. But that's not everything I want it to have the stats of the saxophone and looks shiny. Again I went into my fake card and choose set shiny stats of Pokémon, and the saxophone and then I pressed ok. Then I went to play my black ds rom Pokemon. I started the game back again to decide where I'm the starter, and oddly enough, I can choose from three 1st gen Pokemon. Totodile, Chikorita, Cyndaquil; so you liked cyndaquil, so I chose her and it is not an ordinary cundaquil cause the Statistics of the saxophone, and bright shiny appearance.

If you don't have Pokemon black and white ds rom, you can obtain a backup copy of the ds rom here all you have to do is follow the link that we provide here. Also by using a link that we provide to criminals and the latest firmware is also connected.

Just link here. Thank you I hope you enjoy playing and hunting pokemons.

Xenophobia NDS. Back-up the ROM and firmware download is one of the best places, which uploads updates and backup copies of the new DS version of the game and also has an archive of past top ds games. Also update pages and upload the latest version of the firmware of the ds.

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