Selasa, 19 April 2011

Do not post for the wicked: the Puzzling Verse will be sent to the cover page is to sell the Siegel

British comedian Frankie Boyle noted that if the Bible is a good record of their correspondence, the Corinthians, never wrote back to St. Paul.
"Good to the Corinthians," in which he imagined his third letter in writing to Paul, "I have written to you twice now. Still no response. I do not know how to Corinth, but where are some of the things that I am from, which is a bit rude. "
But not everyone is similar to the Corinthians. 1870-1-Cover sales, Siegel proposes that some people are ambitious enough, or just trying to respond to the dopey Biblical texts. It is, we've picked Andromeda-from one collection to another highlight.
The stamps are attractive in itself: 1 (c) in combination with 12 c boring Ultramarine violet. Fabrics and sharp impressions, as well as at the beginning of the stamps are linked to one of the strike, the Red "New York to pay for all direct June 24" in the second round with the datestamp of the Office of the strike, "the second Ave. r.r. co.", according to the angle of the card cover.

It is addressed "Ezekiel. 33.15. Copenhagen, Denmark. Denmark ". Siegel's hypothesis explains that the disgruntled population of Copenhagen, Second Avenue, wrote in the Rail Road Company in New York City, expressing anger over the railway daily scandals and his Office is a letter "Ezekiel 33.15".
This is a reference to the travel of the Bible, which States "If the wicked wants to live, first he must do is to restore what he has stolen." Railroad employee who responded to the letter is used in "Ezekiel 33.15" and mailed to the address of the reply to Copenhagen. The only explanation for the missing n Siegel is the word "dufus".
The cover is somewhat modestly estimated is $ 1,500-2,000 at auction, which takes place in April in New York and from the network and dial-in client interface into the 21st position and would make excellent collectible treasure.

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